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The Ten Rays of Sisterhood

Click on the links to find out more the ray and the events we host surrounding that value.


1. Integrity: To uphold the history, values and purposes of Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority Inc.

2. Legacy: To take part in the development of active sisters, intakes and alumnae through positive means, to ensure that the Sigma spirit is passed through the educational, individual and collective experiences of those associated with the sorority.

3. Scholarship: To support and emphasize academic achievement.

4. Philanthropy: To Combat the Violence Against Women through sister education, community awareness, activism and financial support.

5. Professionalism: To best demonstrate sisterhood and allegiance through organization, conduct and action.

6. Community: To support individual sisters in their personal endeavors of leadership, sportsmanship and community involvement.

7. Sisterhood: To give social and emotional support to active and alumnae sisters, thereby providing invaluable experiences.

8. Culture: To promote an awareness of the Asian/Asian-American cultures and heritages, as well as multiculturalism and the cultures of the members represented in the sorority at large.

9. Citizenship: To serve as an example of appropriate behavior with the university, other Greeks and the community.

10. Activism: To inform and educate about the causes Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority holds dear.

As our sisterhood grows and evolves, Sigma Psi Zeta develops initiatives that will encourage our sisters to achieve. while still remaining connected to the history and vision of the sorority. With this in mind, the Ten Rays of Sisterhood link the natural progression of the organization to the spirit with which the sorority was first envisioned in the Fall of 1993.

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